About Us

Have you ever been scared to go out because you do not feel good? You do not know how to present yourself and you start developing low self esteem and confidence? Yes, we have been there and you know what our saving grace has always been? Dressing up, self care and always looking good. And you know what? This has been a game changer.

Chlozo, named after my two daughters Chloe and Zoe, is a brand that desires to see all women and girls overcome their insecurities and show up everyday confidently and consistently. We want you to be unique and be able to express yourself in a way that makes you feel confident, worthy, sophisticated, and yet leaving you energised to tackle all the tasks that comes with day to day living. With unique and elegant pieces sourced from ethically diverse manufactures across the world, be ready to take on the world whilst we worry about your outfit. Remember the saying, look good, feel good. 

You are beautifully and wonderfully made.


Chlozo Team